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Jan. 7 2013
All the U.S. Department of Justice's work to ensure market competition for consumers might have went down the drain this past weekend as Golden Guernsey located in Waukesha, Wis., unexpectedly shut its...
Dec. 19 2012
It's everywhere. "It" is the news that the fiscal cliff may double milk prices
Dec. 12 2012
The biggest news of the week for "milk" is that prices might double due to the farm bill, or the lack of farm bill passage. Of course, we first heard about this a few months ago from places like CBS news
Dec. 5 2012
The Peterson Farm Brothers, beef and crop farmers in Kansas, are back with a video to promote agriculture. You may remember their first video, "I'm Farming and I grow It." That video went viral with over...
Oct. 10 2012
When was chocolate milk invented? Which state had the fewest dairy farms in 2010? These questions and more were asked on our first episode of "Are you smarter than a Hoard's Dairyman editor?"
Sept. 29 2012
World Dairy Expo is always a ton of excitement. From the shows, sales, banquets and trade shows, there is always news. Hoard's Dairyman will again bring you Hoard's at Expo. We'll feature results of the...
Sept. 24 2012
Even when the current farm bill expires on September 30, food stamps and crop insurance are all funded for the remainder of the fiscal year
Sept. 20 2012
Saturday night, our industry endured yet another tragic loss with the passing of a Northern Ireland dairy farmer and his two sons. The three died from effects of exposure to poisonous manure gases as sons...
Sept. 14 2012
Word of mouth in the dairy industry has been spreading the bad news for months about how things are in California. But no matter what you've heard, it's worse. Yes, there is a financial catastrophe underway....
Sept. 10 2012
This summer, I had the honor and privilege of working as the 24th Hoard's Dairyman Editorial Intern. This opportunity not only gave me a chance to improve my writing and editing skills
Aug. 7 2012
While those may not be your favorite football teams, Dairy Management Inc. still is looking for you to show your favorite team spirit with a dairy twist by entering the "Show your pride" dairy producer...
Aug. 6 2012
Youth at the Wisconsin State Fair share messages with fairgoers. Showing livestock at the fair can be a hectic time filled with preparing for shows and interviews, as well as keeping up with chores at...
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July 20 2012
USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service says 2012 will make it three record almond crop years in a row in California, which produces virtually all of the almonds in the U.S
July 13 2012
Uh-oh, they're back. After a quiet enough spring, corn prices roared back to life this month and shot past $7 per bushel as scorching temperatures and dry skies withered fields in America's Heartland
June 27 2012
I really enjoy my Android phone. Besides the cost of the two-year contract, I acquired the technological marvel for zero cost
June 20 2012
The cost of raising children increased again last year. That is no surprise with the cost of food and gasoline rising for everyone. According to Expenditures on Children by Families, a child born in 2011...
May 16 2012
The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) seems to have its hands in everything lately. When we turn on the news, HSUS is often cited as a credible source
April 25 2012
Confirmation reached the Hoard's Dairyman offices that a BSE case had been found in a California dairy cow shortly after 2 p.m. Central time yesterday. Thoughts of "the Christmas surprise" of 2003 (the...
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April 18 2012
A recent article from The Wall Street Journal, paired with our analysis, shows agriculture majors still have some worth. It seems like agriculture majors just can't catch a break. Last year, The Daily...
March 29 2012
Ignorance on food processing bruises producers, processors, and Hoard's Dairyman staff Recent media hype, by a select few, has drawn an outcry of attention to food safety concerns – concerns...